Family Tragedy

We are about to start a new coalition in a very difficult area of South Asia and the Believers there are excited about taking this step of faith.  But in the midst of this excitement tragedy strikes.  One Brother who is very involved has just had a family member pass away in a very disheartening manner.  Another Sister fell extremely ill just this week.  Whenever we boldly move against Satan opposition will increase. God is still sovereign, but we need to be in earnest prayer.

Pray for God’s protection to the Believers who are a part of this emerging coalition.  Pray for God’s victory and that He to be glorified.  Pray for comfort and peace to the family of this Brother who has lost a loved one and for healing for this sister.

God is at work through the Discover Jesus Initiative as we seek to see the Top 50 unreached countries of the world reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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*names changed for the sake of security

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